Chapter 7 in the book, her early career and the big breakthough with "I Should Be So Lucky". Sharp End's contribution was mega, but not always recognised - we had to take extreme criticism from the media, especially Radio One, but kept that to ourselves and just got on with the job. The journey started by inventing stories, to get attention and ends with keeping her out of trouble, fending off fake stories & countless rumours of misdemeanors. Our team - Robert Lemon, Sue Foster (now Ramcharan), Liz Watson (now Simmons) & Maria Phillipou were totally dedicated to Kylie and worked tirelessly in developing her career from 1987 to 1994. Throughout she was a sheer joy to work with, gave us so many happy memories and massive satisfaction in being part of her success. This picture shows me with Kylie & PWL boss, David Howells arriving at one of many TV shows!

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